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Background documentation Implicit Enhancement Options in ABAP Source Code  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

Implicit enhancement options always exist and they are not assigned to an enhancement spot.


The implicit enhancement options can be displayed in the ABAP Editor by following the path: Edit Enhancement Operations Show Implicit Enhancement Options, and then enhanced using source code plug-ins.

 In ABAP programs, implicit enhancement options are predefined at the following places:

      At the end of an include. There are some restrictions, for example, not at the end of a method include.

      At the end of a PUBLIC-, PROTECTED-, PRIVATE-SECTION of a local class.

      At the end of the implementation part of a class (before the ENDCLASS, which belongs to CLASS … IMPLEMENTATION).

      At the end of an interface definition (before the ENDINTERFACE).

      At the end of a structure definition (before TYPES END OF, DATA END OF, CONSTANTS END OF, and STATICS END OF).

      At the beginning and at the end of a procedure (FORM, FUNCTION, METHOD). That is, after commands FORM, FUNCTION, and METHOD, and before statements ENDFORM, ENDFUNCTION, and ENDMETHOD.

      At the end of the CHANGING-, IMPORTING-, EXPORTING- parameter list of a method in a local class. These enhancement options are located in the middle of a statement.



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