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Background documentationControl Framework Architecture  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

The following graphic illustrates the elements and the communication channels between them:

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

Automation Controller

The automation controller is the central instance at the frontend. It administers all instances of custom controls.

The Automation Controller also contains a list of the events that a custom control can trigger ( see Event Handling).

All communication between the controls at the frontend and the application program at the backend runs through the Automation Controller.

ABAP Objects Control Framework

The ABAP Objects Control Framework has a similar function at the backend to that of the Automation Controller at the frontend. All method calls from an application program to a custom control run through the Control Framework. In order to avoid each method call establishing a separate connection to the frontend, the method calls are buffered in the automation queue. The automation queue is not sent to the frontend until you reach a synchronization point ( see Automation Queue).

Like the Automation Controller, the Control Framework has a list of control events. This list also contains the corresponding handler methods that need to be called when the event occurs ( see Event Handling).

The Control Framework also maintains a list of the control instances you have created. This list is the basis for the lifetime management of controls ( see Lifetime Management).