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Funktionsdokumentation Assigning Customizing Bundles to Ports  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


You use the method ADD_CU_BUNDLE to assign customizing bundles to ports.

You use the parameter CUOBJ_LIST to assign a list of items to the port in addition to point customizing.

You can use variant keys to specify different customizing for different sets of points. For example, one group of customizing settings for a set of points representing departments and another group of customizing settings for a set of points representing employees.


You should read the class documentation of CL_GUI_GP_HIER to find out about the possible combinations of customizing objects and ports.



The parameter CUOBJ_LIST is a list of additional customizing objects. This list is assigned to a CL_CU_POINT customizing object. With structure graphics it contains the CL_CU_ITEM objects that describe the individual items (for example, columns in a tree) for a node.
The number of the item in the table determines how it is used.


The parameter KEY (the variant key) allows you to assign several variants of a CU object to a port. You can define variants of point customizing objects whose variant keys are in the data container; for example, one customizing object for nodes as folders and one for file nodes in a directory hierarchy.

ADD_CU_BUNDLE with a variant key

ADD_CU_BUNDLE with a variant key determines the layout of the items for those points with the variant key assigned to the parameter KEY. Clearly, ADD_CU_BUNDLE can be called several times since there may be several variant keys, for example, it can be called once for points defined as folders and once for points defined as leaves.

ADD_CU_BUNDLE without a variant key

ADD_CU_BUNDLE without a variant key determines the layout of the items for those points with a variant key to which no extra customizing was assigned.

Default customizing

As with other graphics types, if ADD_CU_BUNDLE is not called default customizing is used.