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Objektdokumentation IF_EVT_DRAGDROP  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


IF_EVT_DRAGDROP is the drag & drop event interface for controls encapsulated in a proxy using ABAP Objects.


The application has to handle the following events in the order given below. They belong to IF_EVT_DRAGDROP:


This event is sent by the target object’s proxy to ask the application to resolve an ambiguity in the flavors - whether a text, a picture or a node is to be moved/copied. The application places the flavor in the parameter FLAVOR of the Drag & Drop object. For more information, see OBJ_FLAVOR_REQUESTED


This event is sent by the proxy containing the source object. The application must place the data object to be created for the source object in the parameter OBJECT of the Drag&Drop object.For more information, see OBJ_DRAGGED


This event is sent by the proxy containing the target object. The application must analyze the data object (OBJECT) sent and insert it appropriately in the target object. For more information, see OBJ_DROPPED


This event is sent by the proxy containing the source object. The application can complete the drag and drop operation by carrying out tasks such as deleting data in the source object for a move operation. For more information, see OBJ_DROP_COMPLETED


The interface consists solely of the above-mentioned events.

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