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Funktionsdokumentation Drag & Drop  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


You can use the drag & drop function to drag one or more source objects and drop them on a target object.



This class contains methods that describe the drag and drop behavior of a custom control.


Data is exchanged between the source and target objects by means of the so-called drag & drop object which is an instance of the class CL_DRAGDROPOBJECT

For more information, see Drag & Drop in the Control Framework documentation.



To implement drag & drop between controls the application must handle the events in the interface IF_EVT_DRAGDROP. For more information, see IF_EVT_DRAGDROP. Every time a Drag and Drop event occurs the events in IF_EVT_DRAGDROP have to be handled.


You have to specify the behavior for all objects. Note: you only have to do this once.

The application calls the method SET_BEHAVIOR_LIST to define the Drag & Drop behavior in the graphic. The importing parameter BEHAVIOR_LIST contains a list of behavior objects (CL_DRAGDROP). The behavior object contains one or more flavors and specifies whether the event is a copy event or a move event. You can specify a behavior object for each variant key.