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Objektdokumentation Status Object  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


The status object contains status information on an object, for example that a node is "expanded". The status object may contain several items of information for an object.


The status object is used by the application so that it can display a hierarchy graphic as required, for example with all the nodes expanded.

It is also used to synchronize the status of graphics.



The status object has to implement the interface IF_GFW_STATUS, in particular the COPY method, so that data containers can handle the status information as an attribute. The attribute for the status line in the data container references the class CL_GFW_STATUS which implements IF_GFW_STATUS provided by the Applications Graphics group.

SET_DC_NAMES / Data container

The parameter status in the method SET_DC_NAMES is the name of the status line in the data container. The status line contains information on the states of nodes, such as that they are "expanded". If the name of the status line is specified then the required events (for example, "GRAPHIC_OBJ_EXPANDED") are automatically registered. This guarantees that the status object in the DC always displays the current state of the object.
A status line is a reference to IF_GFW_STATUS. A status line for a structure graphic has to be a reference to IF_GFW_STATUS_HIER as well.

Information on possible statuses ("able" information such as "expandable") – as opposed to current statuses ("ed" information such as expanded) – is specified in Customizing. For example, you would specify this sort of information for nodes in CL_CU_POINT.

For more information, see the documentation on IF_GFW_STATUS in the class builder.