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Hintergrunddokumentation Main UI  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren

The Main work area enables you to configure a plug-in, run a plug-in, view the results, save the results, and export the results to an Excel spreadsheet.


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The Main work area is divided into the following panes:

      Plug-in Pane: Displays a tree of deployed plug-ins, which can be organized in folders.

The following icons may precede the plug-ins:



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The plug-in has not been run and there are no results in the Results area. This icon is also displayed when you run a plug-in and then delete the results by clicking Clear Results.

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The plug-in was run and returned only successful results.

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The plug-in was run and returned errors.

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The plug-in was run and returned at least one information result and no errors.

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The plug-in did not run because another plug-in on which it was dependent returned errors.

A single result is returned, and the dependent plug-in is listed in the result details area.

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The plug-in is running.

The Support Platform comes with a collection of out-of-the-box plug-ins. For more information about out‑of-the-box plug-ins, see Plug-Ins. For more information about deploying additional plug-ins, see Plug-in Administration.

When you select a plug-in from the tree, information about the selected plug-in is displayed in the Task pane, which also displays links for configuring and running the selected plug-in.

To collapse the tree and close all folders, click Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt.

      Task Pane: Displays information about the currently selected plug-in and provides links for configuring and running the plug-in.

For the selected plug-in, the pane displays its name and a description, as well as radio buttons for selecting the cluster node on which to run the plug-in.

Links are provided for performing the following tasks:

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Run: Runs the selected plug-in on the selected server node.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Run on all nodes: Runs the selected plug-in on all the nodes in the cluster.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Fix: Attempts to fix the problems that caused any error results.

This link is displayed only if there are fixable error results for the selected plug-in.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Refresh: Updates the screen. For example, if a plug-in was deployed by another administrator, the plug-in pane does not show the new plug-in until you click Refresh.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Clear Results: Clears from memory the current results displayed in the Results pane for the selected plug-in.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Plug-In Properties Editor: Displays an editor for configuring the selected plug-in.

This link is displayed only if the plug-in is configurable.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Save Results: Saves the results currently displayed in the Results pane for the selected plug-in. You can save the results from different runs of the same plug-in.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Restore/Delete Results: Displays or deletes saved results for the selected plug-in.

This link is displayed only if results have been saved for the selected plug-in.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Extended Results View: Provides a view of the current results that enables you to easily compare results from different nodes in the cluster, and to view in tabular form the different columns of data for the results.

       Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Export Results to Excel: Exports the current results to an Excel spreadsheet.

Each link is grayed out if it is not applicable to the currently selected plug-in. For example, if the plug-in has never been run, the Save Results link is grayed out.

      Results Area: Displays results and messages from a plug-in.

       Results: Each result is displayed as one line in the table on the Plug-In Results tab.

The result description and one additional column of data, if available, are displayed. Click the result to display more columns of data for this result, if available, in the results detail area below.

The most recent results for the plug-in are stored in memory and are displayed each time you select the plug-in.

       Messages: Each message is displayed as one line in the table in the Plug-In Messages tab. Click the message to display more information about the message in the Complete Message area.

For more information about running plug-ins, see Running Plug-Ins.


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