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Hintergrunddokumentation Administration UI  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren

The Administration work area enables you to deploy, download and remove plug-ins.


You can perform administration actions on plug-in JAR files, that is, packages of plug-ins.

You cannot perform actions on a specific plug-in, such as delete a single plug-in.


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The Administration work area is divided into the following panes:

      Plug-In Pane: Displays a list of the plug-in JAR files that have been deployed.

When you click a plug-in JAR file, a description of the plug-in package, if one exists, is displayed at the bottom of the pane, and a list of plug-ins in the package is displayed in the Plug-In Contents pane.

The pane also contains a Download and Remove link for downloading and removing plug-ins.

      Plug-In Contents Pane: Displays the plug-ins in the selected JAR file.

      Plug-In Upload Pane: Enables you to deploy a plug-in JAR file.

For more information about deploying, downloading and removing plug-ins, see Managing Plug-Ins.

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