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Vorgehensweisen Reading Plug-in Results  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren

In the Results pane, the results of the most recently run plug-in are displayed as a table. Each row in the table is a separate result.

Each row contains the following information:

      Status Icon: Indicates the type of result, which can be one of the following:

Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt:    Success

Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt:   Failure

Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt:   Information

Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt:   The plug-in was not run because a dependent plug-in returned errors.


      Result Data: Additional strings that provide information about the result. Only the first column of result data is displayed. To view additional columns of data for the result, click the result row. The result description and data is displayed in the result details area at the bottom of the Results pane.

Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt

The current results are saved in memory. The next time you select the plug-in, the most recent results are displayed.


Unless you save the results of a plug-in, the current results are deleted the next time you run that plug-in or when the Web AS or Support Platform is restarted.

If the selected plug-in depends on another plug-in and that plug-in returns errors, the selected plug-in is not run and a message is displayed.


You can display information about the overall results by displaying the Plug-In Messages tab in the Results pane.

Messages are displayed in a table, one message per row. Click a row to display more information about the message at the bottom of the Results pane.





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