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Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt Managing Entries  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren

In the Key Storage service, choose Runtime Data Contents tab.


For more information about creating keys and certificates, see Creating a Key Pair and Public-Key Certificate

Select the entry you want to manage from the Entries list.

If You Want To


Export a key or certificate entry to the file system


       1.      Select the entry you want to store from Entries and choose Export.

       2.      Specify the format you want to store the entry in from Files of type.

       3.      Specify a name for the file in File name.

       4.      Choose OK.

Import a CSR response


       1.      Choose Import CSR request.

       2.      Select the file where the CSR is loaded, and choose OK.

Diese Grafik wird im zugehörigen Text erklärt

The CSR response must exist as a file in the file system



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