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Funktionsdokumentation IF_CUSTOMIZING~SAVE  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


You can use the method IF_CUSTOMIZING~SAVE to save changed attributes to the database. You can also include the changes in a transport request using the parameters TRANSPORT and TRANSPORT_REQ.


If the bundle is used by the administrator (see the parameter ADMIN in the CONSTRUCTOR method of the bundle concerned) the general values are saved – those values that are valid for all users.For more information, see Creating Customizing Bundles.

Including changes in a transport request

In addition to saving you can also include the changes in a transport request by using the parameter TRANSPORT. (However, the parameter TRANSPORT has no influence on saving).

You specify a transport task using the parameter TRANSPORT_REQ.

For more information, see the documentation on IF_CUSTOMIZING~SAVE in the class builder.