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Funktionsdokumentation Setting Parameters  Dokument im Navigationsbaum lokalisieren


A graphics proxy may have some parameters that the application can set using the method SET_PARAMETER.

The most important are parameters for the reading rule for the data container. These reading parameters are described below.


The graphics proxy can access data from any data container. The application must tell the proxy what the attributes in the data container of interest to it are called (read rule). The names are parameters of the graphics proxy (CO_PARAM_DC_xxx) that can be set using the method SET_PARAMETER.

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The graphic shows how the graphics proxy is informed of the names of attributes in the data container.

  1. First, the application tells the graphics proxy to use a specific data container (Take this data container).
  2. The graphics proxy then implicitly fills out a form to obtain the names of the data container attributes (fill out form).
  3. The application then tells the graphics proxy the names of the attributes in the data container.

The list of parameters (defined as constants in the interface IF_GRAPHIC_PROXY) can be extended if necessary (for example, for types of graphics proxies other than business graphics).

A graphics proxy should offer its own method SET_DC_NAMES for the read rule for the data container that indicates immediately the names the graphics proxy requires and which it can process. SET_DC_NAMES is not an interface method. If it is supported it is described in the documentation for the graphics proxy concerned.