Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfers for Special Stock
When you activate the business function LOG_MM_SIT, you can perform stock transfers for both sales order stock and project stock in a two-step process. The prerequisite is that, in the issuing company code, the stock must already be assigned to the sales order or WBS element of the ordering company code. In other words, a stock transfer between different sales order stocks or project stocks is not possible in the standard.
Cross-Company-Code Stock Transfers and Returns Stock Transfers
In the following cross-company-code processes, valuated stock in transit specifies the exact time of the transfer of title:
Stock transfer with transfer of title at goods issue (schedule line category N1)
Stock transfer with transfer of title at goods receipt (schedule line category N2)
Stock transfer with transfer of title during transit (schedule line category N3)
Returns stock transfer with transfer of title at goods receipt (schedule line category R1)
Returns stock transfer with transfer of title at goods issue (schedule line category R2)
Returns stock transfer with transfer of title during transit (schedule line category R3)
The following graphic shows these processes according to schedule line category with the corresponding movement types (for legend, see Customer Delivery graphic):
Cross-Company-Code Processes
Intra-company-code stock transfers and returns stock transfers
In the following intra-company-code processes, valuated stock in transit specifies the exact time of the transfer of title:
Stock transfer with transfer of title at goods issue (schedule line category N4)
Stock transfer with transfer of title at goods receipt (schedule line category N5)
Stock transfer with transfer of title during transit (schedule line category N6)
Returns stock transfer with transfer of title at goods receipt (schedule line category R4)
Returns stock transfer with transfer of title at goods issue (schedule line category R5)
Returns stock transfer with transfer of title during transit (schedule line category R6)
The following graphic shows these processes according to schedule line category with the corresponding movement types (for legend, see Customer Delivery graphic):
Intra-Company-Code Processes
Customer delivery
The following graphic shows the Transfer of Title at Customer Location process, based on schedule line category NU with the corresponding movement types:
Customer Delivery
The special stock indicators for movement types are marked with one asterisk (T) or two asterisks (E, Q, <leer>). For example, in the process for schedule line category N3 in transaction VLPOD, the movement type for the issuing side is 685 (with T as mandatory special stock indicator), and the movement type for the receiving side is 107 (with E, Q, or <leer> as possible special stock indicators).
Special stock indicators:
<*>: Special stock indicator T (mandatory indicator)
<**>: Possible special stock indicators E, Q, or <leer>
E Sales Order Stock
Q: Project Stock
T: Stock Transfer or Outbound Delivery via Issuing Stock in Transit
Transaction codes:
VL02N Change Outbound Delivery
VLPOD Proof of Delivery - Change Outbound Delivery
MIGO Goods Receipt
Movement Types:
101 Goods Receipt
107 Goods Receipt in Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock
109 Goods Receipt from Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock
161 Return for Purchase Order
167 Goods Receipt, Return from Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock
169 Goods Receipt, Return to Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock
601 Goods Issue for Delivery
681 Stock Transfer to Issuing Valuated Cross-Company-Code Stock in Transit (CST)
683 Stock Transfer to Receiving Valuated CST
685 Stock Transfer from Issuing Valuated CST
687 Goods Delivery to Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit
68A Stock Transfer to Issuing Valuated Intra-Company-Code Stock in Transit (IST)
68C Stock Transfer to Receiving Valuated IST
68E Stock Transfer from Issuing Valuated IST to Receiving Valuated Stock in Transit
68I Stock Transfer from Issuing Valuated IST to Receiving Plant
691 Stock Transfer, Return from Originally Issuing Valuated CST
693 Stock Transfer, Return from Originally Receiving Valuated CST
695 Stock Transfer, Return to Originally Issuing Valuated CST
69A Stock Transfer, Return from Originally Issuing Valuated IST
69C Stock Transfer, Return from Originally Receiving Valuated IST
69E Stock Transfer, Return to Originally Issuing Valuated IST from Originally Receiving Valuated Stock in Transit
69I Stock Transfer, Return to Originally Issuing Valuated IST from Originally Receiving Plant
For more information, see Special Movement Types for Valuated Stock in Transit