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Function documentationTracking Labor Time in the POD


If you need to track the time that users spend on work in a POD, you can set up the system to charge time against the LCCs assigned to each SFC number that is started and completed in the POD using the Labor On and Labor Off activities.

The system starts tracking time spent on SFC number processing at operation when the operator labors on to the SFC number. The system stops tracking the time spent on SFC number processing at operation when user labors off from the SFC number. You can set up your POD to automatically labor on the user on SFC number start and labor off on SFC number complete. To do this, attach the Labor On activity (LT370) to the Start button and attach Labor Off (LT380) to the Complete button in POD Maintenance. If you want to enable your users to labor off from the SFC number that has not been completed, you need to assign the Labor Off activity to the Sign off button in POD. Note that this is already set up in predefined PODs.

You can also allow multiple collaborating operators to labor on to the SFC numbers that are already started at operation by another user. To do this, each collaborating operator must log in to the system with his or her user credentials, choose the SFC number in the POD, and choose the Labor On button. Note that to enable labor on for collaborating operators to the same SFC number in the Operation POD, this started SFC number must be assigned to the resource instead of operator. To do that, retrieve your resource and select the Process Resource checkbox in Resource Maintenance.

If you need to know how much time your operators spend performing different activities while processing SFC numbers at an operation (for example, Setup, Teardown, and Actual Processing), the operators can provide this information on Labor Off.

Note Note

You have to set up Collect Work Time first (see Setting Up Collect Work Time).

End of the note.

In this case, when user performs labor off, the system opens the Collect Work Time plug-in where the user can do the following:

  • Review the time elapsed between user’s labor on to and labor off from the selected SFC numbers

  • Distribute elapsed time among predefined activities

  • Review (if set up accordingly) planned time for each activity

  • Validate (if set up accordingly) total distributed times against elapsed time

To collect time spent on different activities while processing SFC number, proceed as follows:

  1. In the POD, open the Collect Work Time plug-in for the Labor Off (LT230) activity.

  2. Enter time spent for each activity while processing SFC number on current operation.

  3. Choose OK. The system saves the data and labors you off the SFC number.

If the ALLOW_ELAPSED_TIME_EXCESS activity rule for Labor Off (LT380) is set to Yes, the system checks the total distributed times against time elapsed between labor on and labor off to the SFC numbers and will not let the user to save distributed times if the total exceeds the elapsed time.

During the labor rollup, the system summarizes the obtained labor data and charges the time spent on SFC number processing against SFC LCCs according to the settings you have defined on the Rollup Processing Rules tab page in Labor Rule Maintenance:

  • The system logs the time between the labor on to and labor off from each SFC number against the SFC LCCs.

  • The system logs the total time between the labor on to one SFC number and the labor on to the next SFC number against the first SFC LCC to accommodate time spent between labor off from the first SFC number and labor on to the next one.

For more information and examples, see Determining Labor Rules and Rollup Examples.

Note that operators can change LCC for one or multiple SFC numbers from the POD, if you assign the Change SFC Labor Charge Code (LT250) activity to the POD button and layout in POD Maintenance.

To change the SFC LCC, proceed as follows:

  1. Choose one or multiple SFC numbers.

    Note Note

    To choose multiple SFC numbers, choose several SFC numbers in POD or enter the process lot number into the SFC field.

    You cannot change LCC for SFC numbers selected by shop order.

    LCC cannot be changed for SFC numbers in the Active status.

    End of the note.
  2. Open the Change SFC Labor Charge Code (LT250) plug-in in the POD. The system displays current SFC LCC.

  3. Enter new LCC.

  4. Choose Change. The system changes SFC LCC to a new one.