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Background documentationNonconformance Rules


This group controls nonconformance information:

ODS Subgroup

ODS Rule


Nonconformance Adjustments

ODS NC Serialization Adjustment

true (default): Ensures that the NC logged against a location on a serialized SFC number is not recorded into the ODS twice: once as an NC of the original SFC and once as an NC logged against an SFC resulted from the serialization

false: The NC logged against a location on a serialized SFC number can be entered into ODS twice

Caution Caution

Do not set this rule to true if the ODS database is not present/being used, as database errors or uncontrolled buildup of adjustment records may occur.

End of the caution.

Nonconformance Detail

ODS Retention Period

The number of days nonconformance data is retained in ODS

Default: 30

Nonconformance Summary

ODS Retention Period

The number of days nonconformance summary data is retained in ODS

Default: 30

Copy to Global ODS

If set to true, makes a copy of the nonconformance summary data to the global ODS

Perform Summary At

On NC Closure: Summarizes the nonconformance data when the NC code is closed

On Incident Closure (default): Summarizes the nonconformance data when its associated incident number is closed

Summarize by Element

If set to true, summarizes the element of the report

Example Example

If Summarize by NC Code set to true, and all other summarization rules set to false, summarizes only by NC Code

If Summarize by NC Code and Summarize by Failure ID set to true, and all other summarization rules set to false, summarizes only by NC Code and Failure ID

End of the example.

Defect Transfer Table Detail (DPMO)

ODS Retention Period

The number of days DPMO data is retained in ODS

Default: 30

WIP Retention Period

The number of days DPMO data is retained in the WIP database once it has been copied in the ODS

Default: 30

Defect Transfer Table Summary (DPMO)

ODS Retention Period

The number of days DPMO summary data is retained in ODS

Default: 30

Copy to Global ODS

If set to true, makes a copy of the DPMO summary data to the global ODS

Summarize by element

If set to true, summarizes the element of the report