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Procedure documentationSimulating the Function


  1. Choose Activate.

    The Exec_PriceFac_And_Prem function is activated. This is a prerequisite for simulating the function.

  2. Choose Start Simulation.

    Note Note

    1. In the expert mode, you can also choose Start of the navigation path Tools Next navigation step Simulation End of the navigation path.

    2. In the Simulation dialog box that appears, choose Select Function.

    3. 3. In the Object Query dialog box that appears, enter Z_Price_Premium_Calculation in the Application Name field and Exec_Pricefac_And_Prem in the Object Name field.

    4. Choose Search.

      The EXEC_PRICEFAC_AND_PREMIUM function appears in the table. Select the function and choose Search.

    End of the note.
  3. In the Simulation dialog box that appears, enter Normal in the Level Of Cover field, and enter 30 under Age field.

  4. Under Simulation Mode section, select Show only Result and choose Run Simulation.

    Note Note

    You may choose Show also Results of Intermediate Steps to view the intermediate steps while running the simulation.

    End of the note.
  5. You should see: 1,2 in the Set Pricing Factor field, 1000 in the Set Base Premium (Value) field and EUR in the Set Base Premium (Currency) field.