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Procedure documentationCreating a Function


  1. Create a Function

    1. In the Object Manager panel of the application, under the Detail section, choose the Contained Objects tab.

      The Contained Objects tab page opens.

    2. Choose Function from the Type field and choose Create Object.

    3. In the Object Creation dialog box that appears, enter Exec_PriceFac_And_Prem in the Name field, fill in the Short Text and Text field, and choose Create and navigate to object.

      The function is created and the edit function page appears.

  2. Assign Expression to the Function

    1. Under the Detail section, under Properties, choose Functional Mode from the Mode field.

      The Top Expression field appears.

    2. Choose Graphical Access (Graphical Access) next to the Top Expression field.

    3. In the context menu, choose PRICE_FACTOR_AND_PREMIUM_DT.

      The decision table is assigned as top expression to the function.

  3. Assign Context to the Function

    1. Under the Detail section, choose the Signature tab.

    2. Under Context, choose Add Existing Data Object.

    3. In the Object Creation dialog box that appears, select LEVEL_OF_COVER and choose Select.

    4. Similarly, choose AGE.

      The data objects are added as the context.

  4. Assign Result to the Function

    1. Under Result Data Object, choose Graphical Access (Graphical Access) next to Result Data Object.

    2. In the context menu, choose Select....

    3. In the Object Query dialog box that appears, select PRICE_FACTOR_AND_PREMIUM.

      The data object is added as the result.