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Background documentationDBM Class (dbm Module) Locate this document in the navigation structure


DBM is a class of the SAP::DBTech::dbm module. An instance of this class corresponds to a connection to a DBM server.

Using the Constructor

Syntax Syntax

  1. $session = new DBM ($database_computer, $database_name, $dependent_path, $user_info);
End of the code.




Name of the computer to which you want to connect

The default value is the local computer.


Name of the database that is to be connected.

This information is optional.


Installation path of the database software (See also: Glossary, Directory)

This information is optional.


A string in the format <dbm_operator>,<dbm_operator_password>

The specified DBM operator connects to the program DBM server.

This information is optional.

If there are multiple installations of the database software on your computer, you can use the $database_name and $dependent_path parameters to control which version of the DBM server program is started.

  • Case 1 – You want to create a new database with the latest software installation or you want to display information about the existing databases and software versions.

    Do not specify $database_name or $dependent_path.

    The system then starts the DBM server of the software installation that has the highest version number.

  • Case 2 – You want to administer a specific database.

    Specify the $database_name but not the $dependent_path.

    The system then starts the DBM Server belonging to the specified database.

  • Case 3 – You want to create a new database with a specific software version.

    Specify the $dependent_path but not the $database_name.

    The system then starts the DBM server of the specified software installation.


You create a $session connection object for the DEMODB database on the local computer:

$session = sdb.dbm.DBM ('', 'DEMODB', '', 'OLEG,MONDAY');