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Procedure documentationUsing a User Key when Logging On to a Database Locate this document in the navigation structure


Several database tools and interfaces support the XUSER program and logon to a database with a user key.


To log on to a database with a user key, specify the option -U <user_key> [<options>] when you log on. <user_key> is the user key saved in the XUSER program.

Note Note

The user key is case sensitive.

The user stored under the specified user key must actually exist in the database.

End of the note.

If you also specify log-on options, these override the corresponding information in the XUSER entry.

If you log on to XUSER using SQL applications and do not specify a user key, the logon is carried out using the user data stored under the user key DEFAULT.

If you use Database Manager to connect to XUSER, and do not specify a user key, then the connection is made with the user data saved under the user name DBMUSR.


You log on to Database Manager CLI using the user key ag.

dbmcli -U ag

The user key ag contains the DBM user name anna_ghobadi and the password may for the DEMODB database.