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available amount (FS-AM-IM)

Item Management (FS-AM-IM)

The amount that is freely available to an authorized drawer of an account.

The system calculates the amount as follows:

+ Account balance

- Subject to final payment balance (for positive balance only)

+ Balance of prenotes relevant for posting control

+ Total limit amount or

- Minnimum deposit


= Available amount

The balance of items in the future is in the account balance and will not be calculated.

For payment items that are transferred automatically to the system, the available amount is increased by the tolerance amount.

The available amount does not refer to a specific key date. The available amount includes all posted payment items, prenotes, irrespective of their value date or posting date, and all limits that are valid on the current posting date for payment transactions.

The system calculates the amount as follows:

+ Contract capital (= committed and tolerated limit), adjusted for capital reductions or capital increases

- Total of disbursements made

- Total of capital amounts planned for disbursement (= future disbursements)


= Available amount

The system calculates the amount as follows:

+ Contract capital (= committed and tolerated limit)

- Total of disbursements made

- Total of capital amounts planned for disbursement (= future disbursements)

+ Repayments that increase the disbursement obligation


= Available amount

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