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access object (BC-DWB-TOO)

Workbench Tools: Editors, Painters, Modelers (BC-DWB-TOO)

Used to identify special services as part of the package concept

Access objects are always required if it is possible that a (generic) service needs to access specific repository objects on the client side. Since a service cannot have dependencies on its clients, this usage cannot be permitted using a dependency control list.

If a service is called from generated coding (for example, in the programs generated automatically using transaction SE16 to display the contents of database tables), special requirements must be met. Since clients are initially generated dynamically in such cases, their dependencies cannot be declared beforehand.

In such cases, the client interfaces provide a solution: A client package permits a specific service to access its objects using the client interface. For this to be possible, the client package simply assigns its client interface to an access object and exposes the required repository objects on the client interface.

In this way, a client interface enables a client package to grant the individual service access to its contents. This service is addressed by means of an access object, which also identifies the service uniquely.

An access object consists of one or more server packages. These packagesthen provide the implementation of the relevant service and are, therefore, regarded as implementation packages of the access object. Once the implementation packages have exposed the access object on a suitable package interface, the service can access the required objects of the client interface.

Access objects are created as repository objects with the Access Object Builder tool and can, in turn, be assigned to further access objects in the form of delegate access objects.

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