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Function documentation Down Payment Chain Transactions  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


You can display down payment chain transactions.


For a transaction overview of the down payment chain, either the Debit-Side Down Payment Chain or Credit-Side Down Payment Chain screen appears.

The individual transactions are listed on the Transactions tab page in table form.

Several columns are displayed, for example:

·        Current transaction number

·        Transaction category

·        Cumulative, previous and delta amounts for invoiced amounts, retention amounts, additional costs and special retention amounts.

·        Transaction status

The transaction status depends on the status of the transaction documents.



This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Open

The invoice document is posted but not cleared in full. Payment is not overdue.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Closed

The invoice document is posted and cleared in full.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Overdue

The invoice document is posted but not cleared in full. Payment is overdue.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Reversed

The invoice document is reversed.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text Overpaid

The amount paid totals more than the amount invoiced.

You can customize the table to suit your own requirements using layouts.

On the application toolbar several standard functions are available, such as details, set and delete filter, print and layout functions. For more information on these functions, see the SAP Library under Cross-Application Components General Application Functions (CA-GTF) SAP List Viewer (ALV): Classic.



       1.      In the down payment chain structure, select the access node for the down payment chain or a transaction.

       2.      Select the Transactions tab.


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