You can use report RSTRFCT0 to test a qRFC connection.
You have maintained your own destination in transaction SM59.
Execute transaction SE38.
Enter the program name RSTRFCT0 in the Program field.
Choose Execute.
Enter a queue name and a destination (fields QNAME and RFCDEST).
To do this, run transaction SMQS and check whether the specified destination has the status U (unregistered).
If not, select the destination and choose Deregistration. U is then entered in the Type column. This ensures that this qRFC is not executed immediately by the scheduler, which makes it easier for you to monitor the process.
Start the program using Execute in transaction SE38.
Select the transaction in transaction SMQS and choose QRFC Monitor. Using this pushbutton, switch to the qRFC monitor (transaction SMQ1).
If you have created a new destination, it is not displayed in the overview list. Choose Deregistration and enter your new destination. You can then display your destination by pressing qRFC Monitor.
Using the Display pushbutton you reach the detailed view of your qRFC call.
Select Activate to send the qRFC call.
Other than using the Activate pushbutton in SMQ1, you can also register the destination in transaction SMQS.
You have completed a qRFC call. If nothing is displayed under your destination in the qRFC Monitor (transaction SMQ1), the call has been processed successfully.