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Procedure documentationSpecial Options Locate this document in the navigation structure


Make the following settings on the Special Options tab page:

Connection Types: ABAP, R/2, Internal, Logical, CMC, TCP/IP, ABAP Driver (3, 2, I, L, M, T, X)

  • Slow RFC connection

    If you set this flag, the table data transmitted using the WAN connection is compressed. If this flag is not set, the table data is compressed if the table size of 8 KB is exceeded.

  • Set RFC trace

    To log the RFC communication and save it in a file, select the RFC Trace option. You can then display the file, both in the calling and receiving system, using report RSRFCTRC.

  • Trace export methods

    When you send RFC calls, you can use the trace export methods to decide, on the sender side, whether to forward the trace level to the target system. This allows you to prevent the file system for the target application server from overflowing.

  • Keep-alive timeout

    You can specify a keep-alive timeout as follows:

    • Use the default gateway value

    • Deactivate the keep-alive setting

    • Define an individual timeout for each RFC connection.

    The default gateway value is defined by the profile parameter gw/keepalive (transaction RZ11).

  • Communications Protocol Selection (Type 3 only)

    The following settings are available to you when selecting the RFC communication protocol:

    • basXML

      If you select option basXML, basXML (Binary ABAP Serialization XML) is supported by the destination if the corresponding prerequisites are given (function module, client and server are basXML-capable).

      Note Note

      If you choose this option, the destination supports the transfer of RFC-Varianten sRFC, aRFC, and bqRFC, but not tRFC/qRFC.

      End of the note.
    • Classic with tRFC

      Use the classic RFC protocol with tRFC/qRFC.

      Note Note

      If you choose this option, the destination supports the transfer of RFC Variants sRFC, aRFC, and tRFC/qRFC, but not bgRFC.

      End of the note.
    • Classic with bgRFC

      Use the classic RFC protocol with bqRFC.

      Note Note

      If you choose this option, the destination supports the transfer of RFC-Varianten sRFC, aRFC, and bqRFC, but not tRFC/qRFC.

      End of the note.

Connection types HTTP/External and HTTP/ABAP (G, H)

  • Timeout

    When sending an HTTP request, you can use this parameter to specify the maximum response time for the connection.

  • HTTP Setting

    You can use the HTTP version to specify the protocol version of the HTTP request (HTTP 1.0 or 1.1).

    • Compression

      You can use this option to activate gzip compression for the request body. This can only be activated in HTTP Version 1.1.

    • Compressed Response

      In the standard setting, the ABAP Application Server sends the Accept Encoding field as a header field with the value gzip, provided that the application server can handle this type of compression. This may result in the partner returning its data in compressed form too. If you want to prevent a compressed response being sent, choose the option No.

    • HTTP Cookie

      You can use this option to control the way received cookies are handled.

      Note Note

      Cookies are handled in a calling program by event IF_HTTP_CLIENT~EVENTKIND_HANDLE_COOKIE.

      End of the note.