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Generating Classes for Annotation Provider ClassLocate this document in the navigation structure


Service Builder generates the classes for Annotation Provider Class (APC) once you generate the project. APC will be generated only for the projects of type Annotation Model for Referenced Service.

Following APC classes are generated::

  • Base Class

  • Extension Class



Naming Sample

Base Class

Generated by the system during the generation process. Do not modify this class manually

CL_<Project Name>_APC

Extension Class

This is the Implementation class that inherits the Base class. This class can be modified manually.

CL_<Project Name>_APC_EXT


To generate APC follow below steps:

  1. Create a project of type Annotation Model for Referenced Service. For more information, see Creating a Service Builder Project

  2. Import a vocabulary file. For more information, see Importing a Vocabulary File.

  3. Reference a service to annotate the model. For more information, see Referencing a Service to Annotate a Model.

  4. Create annotation. For more information, see Adding Vocabulary-Based Annotations to Data Model Artifacts

  5. Right click on the project folder and select Generate Runtime. Alternatively, you can also select the project and click Generate Runtime Objects in tool bar.

    By following above steps a dialogue box Annotation Model Definition appears.


    All the information in this dialogue box can be edited. You can provide a version for the annotated model in Model Version field.

  6. Click on Continue.

    A window Create Object Directory Entry appears.

  7. Click on Local Object. or specify a package.

    The APC is generated and stored in the Runtime Artifacts folder in the tree region. Also the message displaying the results of the generation is displayed in the mass edit view.

Method DEFINE_VOCAB_ANNOTATIONS will be created in the APC to maintain the Vocabulary based Annotations. Inside this method vocabulary references will be created.

lo_reference = vocab_anno_model->create_vocabulary_reference( iv_vocab_id = '/IWBEP/VOC_CORE'
                                                                iv_vocab_version = '0001').
  lo_reference->create_include( iv_namespace = 'Org.OData.Core.V1' ). 

Annotations may be of different types:

  1. Simple value can be any of the following types: String, Boolean, Integer, Path, Property path, Navigation property path.

    For simple value annotation, the code will look like:

    lo_ann_target = vocab_anno_model->create_annotations_target( 'Musical/lyrics' ).
      lo_annotation = lo_ann_target->create_annotation( iv_term = 'Org.OData.Core.V1.MediaType' ).
      lo_simp_value = lo_annotation->create_simple_value( ).
      lo_simp_value->set_string( 'test Desciption' ). 

    For Property Path, code will look like:

    lo_ann_target = vocab_anno_model->create_annotations_target( 'E1/P1' ).
      lo_annotation = lo_ann_target->create_annotation( iv_term = 'Org.Mv.Core.V9.PropPath' ).
      lo_simp_value = lo_annotation->create_simple_value( ).
      lo_simp_value->set_property_path( 'TEST' ).
  2. Annotation with collection

     lo_ann_target = vocab_anno_model->create_annotations_target( 'Musical' ).
      lo_annotation = lo_ann_target->create_annotation( iv_term = 'Org.OData.Core.V1.AcceptableMediaTypes' ).
      lo_collection = lo_annotation->create_collection( ).
      lo_simp_value = lo_collection->create_simple_value( ).
      lo_simp_value->set_string( 'entry1' ). 
  3. Annotation with record

      lo_ann_target = vocab_anno_model->create_annotations_target( 'MusicalCollection' ).
      lo_annotation = lo_ann_target->create_annotation( iv_term = 'Org.OData.Record.REC.UnitRecord' ).
      lo_record = lo_annotation->create_record( ).
      lo_property = lo_record->create_property( 'UnitRecord1' ).
      lo_simp_value = lo_property->create_simple_value( ).
      lo_simp_value->set_path( '32812387213987218232' ). 
  4. Annotation with Enum Type

    lo_ann_target = vocab_anno_model->create_annotations_target( 'Musical/homepage' ).
      lo_annotation = lo_ann_target->create_annotation( iv_term = 'Org.OData.Core.V1.Permissions' ).
      lo_simp_value = lo_annotation->create_simple_value( ).
      lo_simp_value->set_enum_member_by_name( 'Read' ). 
  5. Annotation with Type Definition

      lo_ann_target = vocab_anno_model->create_annotations_target( 'Musical/MusicalID' ).
      lo_annotation = lo_ann_target->create_annotation( iv_term = 'Org.OData.Core.V1.IsURL' ).
      lo_simp_value = lo_annotation->create_simple_value( ).
      lo_simp_value->set_boolean( ' ' ). 

    In the above syntax, the Type Definition with underlying type is Edm:Boolean