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Function documentation REC/CLIENT Parameter in the System Profile  Locate the document in its SAP Library structure



SAP recommends that automatic table change logging is authorized only in systems where this is worthwhile. These are generally the following systems:

·        The SAP System in which your Customizing is performed

·        Your production system

Do not allow automatic logging in a test system.


Changes are not recorded during client copy. This would impair performance and require considerable additional memory resources in the database.

Transport system


To also log table changes which are transported into a system, activate table logging for transports. Otherwise the table logging may be incomplete.

For further information about table logging in the transport system, see tp options.

Parameter Values

Table change logging is controlled by the rec/client parameter in the SAP system profile. The parameter can take the following values:

Parameter Value


rec/client = off

Table change logging inactive

rec/client = all

Table change logging active in all clients

(See Warning below)

rec/client = <client 1>...

Table change logging active in specified clients


Setting the rec/client parameter to “all” can  seriously impair R/3 System performance. SAP recommends you do not use the value All. You should limit automatic logging to one client.

The default setting is OFF, i.e. no logging. This setting is only normal in the installation and test phase. Tables which are relevant for invoicing should be logged in production processing (national accountability requirements).

The changes in a table are only logged automatically if:

·        the system profile parameter rec/client = all or <client 1>...

·        automatic change recording is active for the table (see also Checking Table Change Logging)

The report RSPARAM displays all profiles and their values.


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