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Function documentationElectronic Invoicing


In Turkey, since the Revenue Administration serves as a hub for secure circulation of electronic invoices, companies use the electronic invoicing portal of the administration to transfer XML-based files (in UBL format) as a medium for invoice exchange. This exchange involves a customer, a vendor, and a certified integration provider who carries out the process.

Once the customer and the vendor have registered themselves, they can begin to send and receive electronic invoices through:

  • Portal

    For companies with insufficient information technology (IT) capacity, the portal provides basic eInvoicing application functions. Registered users can log on to the portal and begin to send and receive invoices.

  • Integration

    Companies with sufficient IT capacity can integrate their system with the Ministry of Finance in accordance with the determined standards. Companies can apply for system integration following a period of use of web portal as well.

Companies (in this case, integration providers) issuing electronic invoices must request for an invoice number from the Revenue Administration of Turkey (TRA) for each document and also inform the TRA about the date on which they start issuing electronic invoices.


You have registered yourself with the TRA for a user account.

Ensure that you have also performed the following settings:

  • Determined Customer Relevance for e-Invoicing.

  • Determined Vendor Relevance for e-Invoicing.

  • Determined the SD Document relevance for e-Invoicing.

  • Mapped tax type codes to SAP tax codes.

  • Defined RFC destination (relevant for SD and MM only).

  • Determined FI document relevance for e-invoicing (relevant for FI only).

  • Additionally, you can implement a BAdI to fill optional fields.

You do these in Customizing in the following paths:

  • Materials Management, under Start of the navigation path Logistics Invoice Verification Next navigation step Incoming Invoice Next navigation step Country-specific Features Next navigation step Turkey End of the navigation path

  • Sales and Distribution, under Start of the navigation path Billing Next navigation step Billing Documents Next navigation step Country-specific Features Next navigation step Country-specific Features for Turkey End of the navigation path.

  • Financial Accounting, under Start of the navigation path Financial Accounting (New) Next navigation step Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Next navigation step Business Transactions Next navigation step Country-Specific Settings Next navigation step Turkey Next navigation step Electronic Invoicing Next navigation step Determine FI Document Relevance for e-Invocing End of the navigation path


Country version Turkey enables companies issuing invoices to generate the following documents in electronic format:

  • Invoice documents in MM

  • Billing documents in SD

  • Customer invoices and for vendor credit memos posted manually in FI

Companies can then send these invoices to the government's system provided they adhere to the tax authority’s requirements.

The SAP system consolidates invoice data and sends it to the middleware system of a local integration provider. The middleware system converts this invoice into XML and sends it to the TRA. TRA then validates the file and sends a response back to the middleware. If the invoice is valid, TRA sends the invoice to the tax payer and also sends a response to the vendor.

Note Note

This solution only supports invoice communication to the integration provider; it does not handle payments, digital signature, or archiving of electronic invoices.

End of the note.