During the deserialization of literal XML elements, you can use the optional attribute tt:lax to control whether or not the name of an element is taken into consideration. After tt:lax, you can enter the following values for lax_flag:
... ?on?|?off?|?deep-on?|?deep-off?...
If you specify tt:lax with the value ?off?, then the XML inbound stream must contain an element of the same name with all literal attributes attr of the same contents. If you specify tt:lax with the value ?on?, then the element in the XML inbound stream can have any name, but the expected attributes must still match. Use the values ?deep-on? and ?deep-off? for tt:lax to set the setting ?on? and ?off? for all subelements of the current element; however, they can be overwritten locally there. If you do not specify tt:lax, the setting complies with the surrounding context. By default, ?deep-off? is set for a template.
We have the following XML fragment:
<X my_attr="attr">abc</X>
Because of tt:lax=?on?, the ST program below can deserialize this fragment in spite of differing element names:
<tt:transform xmlns:tt="http://www.sap.com/transformation-templates">
<tt:root name="ROOT"/>
<tt:value ref="ROOT"/>