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 Parallel Currencies


By default, the program only checks the balances of the accounts in your local currency. However, if your company code works with parallel currencies , the program can also check the balances in these currencies, if you want it to.


When you run the program, select Close in All Local Currencies . The program then makes sure that the account balances in the account subclass add up to zero, (a) in your local currency and (b) in the parallel currencies.

If not, you can post an accounting document to correct the balance. To do so, from the SAP Easy Access screen, choose Start of the navigation path Accounting Next navigation step Financial Accounting Next navigation step General Ledger Next navigation step Document Entry Next navigation step Valuate Foreign Currency, End of the navigation path which enables you to enter the different currency amounts separately (see the example below).

Then run the Closing of Expense Accounts program again; this time it shows you that the balances in all currencies add up to zero, and you can close the account subclass.


Your company's first local currency is the Turkish lira, and its second is the US dollar, which means that the system keeps your accounts in liras and dollars.

At period-end, you run the Closing of Expense Accounts program. The program tells you that the debits and credits on the accounts in the account subclass balance correctly in liras, but that in your second currency you have a debit balance of USD 3,053.

To correct the balance, you post an accounting document as follows:

This document corrects the dollar balance in the account subclass, but does not disturb the balance in liras.

Once you have posted the document, you run the Closing of Expense Accounts program again. This time, it tells you that the account balances add up to zero, and you can close the accounts.