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  Definition of Variants

You can adapt the mass processing function and the order information system in a very flexible way, to meet the requirements of your company and its individual users. You can put together user-dependent report variants, report transactions, and variant transactions to provide every user with the exact range of functions required.

Techniques Used

Report variants

With a report variant (see Variant Maintenance), you can specify default values for fields, hide fields or make them unavailable for input on the initial screen of a program. You can use report variants to schedule in the background or to define a report transaction. For technical reasons, only the display and input availability of the selection criteria can be influenced for the program. The display and input availability of other fields (for example, the parameters for mass processing or the list category) can only be controlled via a transaction variant. Conversely, the selection criteria cannot be influenced in the transaction variant.

In the technical settings in variant maintenance of the report PPIO_ENTRY, you can specify defaults for the following values:

Order category (production and process order)

Transaction for which an authorization check should be carried out, if this variant is selected in a different transaction

Lists that can be selected (for example, components, operations, and so on)

Functions that can be selected (for example, close)

Mass processing active

Old ALV output

Choose the variant maintenance function (transaction SE38). Enter the report PPIO_ENTRY, select Variant and choose Change. Enter the desired variant and choose Change. Make the necessary settings in the area Technical Settings.

You can use the report PPIO_ENTRY_VARIANT_DISPLAY to display an overview of variants and their technical settings. For example, you can view information about which output list, which overall profile, and which layout have been chosen as presettings.

If no overall profile has been defined, the system uses the overall profile from the user specifications (in other words, from the SET/GET parameter IOC) or the last overall profile that was used.

If no layout has been entered, the system automatically uses the default layout or the standard layout (if no default layout has been entered for this list).

Report transactions

A report transaction is used to call up a report variant of a program (see Report Transaction). You can insert a transaction in the menu or add it to the favorites list.

Transaction variants

With a transaction variant (see Transaction Maintenance and Variant Transaction) you can also hide fields or specify default values for them (for example, the parameters for mass processing, list category, production order selection, planned order selection or process order selection).

Variant transaction

A variant transaction is used to call up a transaction variant (see Transaction Maintenance and Variant Transaction). You can insert a transaction in the menu or add it to the favorites list. A variant transaction can, for example, be added to a user's favorites menu or role menu.


The following example shows you how to create a customized transaction for reprinting time tickets.

Defining a report variant

Using transaction SE38, you define the report variant Z_LV01 for program PPIO_ENTRY. When you do this, you preset the following:

The operation list is the only list that can be selected.

The object Operations is predefined for the List field.

The Mass Processing Active indicator is set.

Selection fields that are not needed are hidden.

Print and Print mode, as mass processing functions, are preset for immediate execution. You define that these fields are blocked for entry.

Defining a report transaction

Using transaction SE93, you define the report transaction Z_LV01_T for report variant Z_LV01 of program PPIO_ENTRY.

Defining a transaction variant

Using transaction SHD0, you define the transaction variant Z_LV01_01 for report transaction Z_LV01_T. You hide the Production orders and Planned orders fields.

Defining a variant transaction

Using transaction SE93, you define the variant transaction ZLV01 for transaction variant Z_LV01_01 of report transaction Z_LV01_T. This variant transaction can be added to a user's favorites menu or role menu, for example.

Execution in the Order Information System and Mass Processing

The central program for mass processing and the order information system is PPIO_ENTRY. Examples have been set up in the standard system to demonstrate the use of the options described above:


Mass Processing

Variant transaction

Transaction for production order: COHV

LogisticsProductionShop Floor ControlControlMass Processing

Transaction for process order: COHVPI

LogisticsProduction – ProcessProcess OrderToolsMass Processing

Report variant


Order Information System

Report transaction

Transaction for production order: COOIS

LogisticsProductionShop Floor ControlInformation SystemOrder info system

Transaction for process order: COOISPI

LogisticsProduction – ProcessProcess OrderToolsMass Processing

Report variant


Collective Release

Variant transaction

Transaction: CO05N

LogisticsProductionShop Floor ControlControlCollective release

Transaction variant

Transaction: COHVOMRELEASE, transaction variant: CO05

Report transaction


Report variant



Variant transaction

Transaction: CO04N

LogisticsProductionShop Floor ControlControlPrint

Variant transaction

Transaction: COHVOMPRINT, transaction variant: CO04

Report transaction


Report variant

Report: PPIO_ENTRY, Variant : SAP&PRINT

Collective Availability Check

Variant transaction

Transaction: COMAC

LogisticsProductionShop Floor ControlControlCollective availability check

Report variant


Missing Parts List

Variant transaction

Transaction: CO24

LogisticsProductionShop Floor ControlInformation SystemMissing parts information system

Report variant

Report: PPIO_ENTRY, Variant: SAP&MPART


Pick List

Variant transaction

Transaction: CO27

LogisticsProductionShop Floor ControlGoods MovementsMaterial StagingPick

Report variant