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Function documentation Using the SAP Gateway Outside the SAP System Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


The gateway monitor is used to analyze and administer the SAP Gateway from outside the SAP System.

The profile you assign to it must be the same as for the gateway.

This process has different names:

UNIX: gwmon

Windows: gwmon.exe


The trace file of the gateway monitor is called: dev_gwmon.

The functionality is the same as that of the SAP Gateway Monitor in the SAP System, the only difference being the menu and submenus.

The detailed information displayed by double-clicking a connection in the SAP system is available here under the Expert Functions.


When you launch the Gateway Monitor without arguments, all of the permitted arguments and options are displayed:

Output Area



Specify Name of parameter file or

System number

Specify the profile file or

Specify the number of the system



Print release

Output release

[-refresh n]:

Refresh after n seconds

Refresh after n seconds

[-gwhost host]:

Hostname of remote gateway

Host name of the remote gateway

[-gwserv service]:

Service of remote gateway

Service name of the remote gateway


enable expert functions

Enable expert functions


enable sna functions

Enable the SNA functions


Suppress headers

Suppress headers

[-cmdfile file]

Execute commands from cmdfile

if filename '-' read from stdinv

Execute commands from the file. You can display the possible commands, when you enter “-”as the file name and then choose help.

If you start the gateway monitor using the option –sna, you will also see the following output:

[-e all]:

Reset error counts of all connections

Reset error counts for all connections

[-e <conn no>:

Reset error count of specified connection

Reset error count for the connection with the number <conn no>

The individual functions are grouped into separate submenus.

Main Menu

When you enter gwmon -gwhost <host> -gwserv <service>, the list of activate connections on the gateway is first displayed. Under this:

q - quit

m - menu

You generally quit the Gateway Monitor with q and use m to go to the (next higher) menu.

If you then enter m and select Return, you will get to the main menu:

Screen output


1 : display connection table

Display Active CPI-C Connections

2 : display work process table

Display Gateway Work Processes

3 : display client table

Display the Logged On Systems

4 : display remote gw table

Display Remote Table

5 : connection attributes

Connection Attributes

6 : statistics

Gateway Statistics

7 : gateway parameters and attributes

Displaying Parameters and Attributes of the SAP Gateway

8 : gateway release info

Displaying Gateway Release Information

9 : security information

Display Security Information

10 : expert functions

Expert Functions

+ : increase gateway trace

Increase gateway trace level

- : decrease gateway trace

Decrease gateway trace level

q - quit

Exit Gateway Monitor

Inputs 4,5,7 and 8 lead to submenus that provide functions for the relevant areas.


To start the gateway monitor, call the corresponding executable file, specifying a profile file:

Under UNIX:       gwmon pf=<profile>

Under Windows:      gwmon.exe pf=<profile>

All of the lists are updated after 5 seconds. You can refresh them sooner by pressing Enter.

It is standard to use 50 lines per screen. The number of lines can be changed (for example, under UNIX you can set the shell variable LINES).

Switch command mode

If you use the option -cmdfile <file>, all the functions to be executed are read from the file (see below). If the file name is '-', all the commands from the standard input are read. As a result the monitor can be operated from a program or script to start specific actions or to supply information.


echo GET_CONNTBL | gwmon -cmdfile - -gwhost <gwhost> -gwserv <service> gets the list of active CPIC connections.

The command field interface provides the same functions as the functions from the menu. You can also execute the same function repeatedly.

You can display all the available functions using HELP. If you do not enter anything and choose <RETURN>, the last command is repeated. HELP [command]displays the online help for the command.



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