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Searching in People ExplorerLocate this document in the navigation structure


Use the People Explorer search field to search for any entity.

The query must include the first character of the searched term. Search results include all entities that contain an attribute value that starts with the search term. For example, the search term "Mar" will return entities that include the name Mark or Martin, or the job description, Marketing.

By default, the results are shown in list view and are sorted by relevance. You can switch to other views as follows:



List View

Basic profile information is displayed in tabular format with each entity in a separate row

Card View

Basic profile information is displayed for each entity in card format

Tile View

The display name and image of each entity is displayed in tile format

  • In any view, you can hover over a display name to display the entity's general information and image (if it exists).

  • To display more results, choose More Results.

  • To change the sort order, from the Sort By dropdown list, choose to sort by relevance or by display name.

  • You can refine search results by filtering according to facet values. Choose Filter Results to display the lists of facets for filtering.

    You can choose multiple facet values for filtering using the Ctrl or Shift keys. When you choose values in the same facet, the results include entities with any of the selected facet values (OR filtering). When you choose values from different facets, the results include only those entities that contain matching values from all the selected facets (AND filtering).

    For example, choosing Start of the navigation path Job Title Next navigation step Developer End of the navigation path and Start of the navigation path Job Title Next navigation step Marketing End of the navigation path displays all the entities whose job title is either Developer or Marketing. Choosing Start of the navigation path Job Title Next navigation step Developer End of the navigation path and Start of the navigation path Location Next navigation step US End of the navigation path displays only those entities whose job title is Developer and location is US.


    Filtering facets are not available when:

    • All the search results match the filtering facets.

    • There are more than 5000 results after a search operation. To reduce the number of results, clear the search field, perform filtering on all entities, and then search.

  • To view all entities, enter * in the search field.

  • To view full profile information and explore relationships for an entity, choose its display name.