You are assigned the portal Content Admin role.
This section describes how to add the enterprise workspaces tabstrip to the framework pages in use.
You need to perform this procedure for the framework pages provided by SAP and for custom framework pages.
Classic/Headerless Framework Page:
Portal Content
Portal Users
Standard Portal Users
Classic Framework Page
Ajax/Ajax Headerless Framework Page:
Portal Content
Portal Users
Standard Portal Users
Ajax Framework Content
Framework Page
Light Framework Page:
Portal Content
Portal Users
Standard Portal Users
Light Framework Page
The Headerless Framework Page and the Ajax Headerless Framework Page are located within the Classic Framework Page and Ajax Framework Page, respectively.
TabStrip - The tabstrip is in an area that is reloaded with each navigation. Used for the Default/Classic Framework Page, for the Headerless Framework Page, and for the Light Framework Page.
TabStrip for Ajax Framework Page - The tabstrip is loaded only once, and not with every navigation. Used for the Ajax Framework Page and for the Ajax Headerless Framework Page.
By default, the tabstrip is added to the bottom of the page.
Classic Framework Page and Headerless Framework Page:
Open the Desktop Innerpage page.
Add the TabStrip iView to the page.
Select the Page Layout option.
Move the TabStrip iView to the top of the page, above the content area.
Ajax Framework Page and Ajax Headerless Framework Page: Set the tabstrip container to Page Tool Bar Container and place it below the Ajax Page Toolbar.
Light Framework Page
Open the Light Desktop Innerpage page.
Add the TabStrip iView to the page.
Select the Page Layout option.
Move the TabStrip iView to the top of the page.
Custom framework page: Move the tabstrip above the content area.
More Information
For more information about framework pages:
In SAP NetWeaver 7.0x, navigate to
(where x is the enhancement package number) and choose Application Help
SAP Library
. In SAP Library, choose
SAP NetWeaver
SAP NetWeaver by Key Capability
People Integration by Key Capability
Portal Administration Guide
System Administration
Portal Display
Framework Pages
In SAP NetWeaver 7.3x, navigate to
(where x is the enhancement package number) and choose Application Help
SAP Library
. In SAP Library, choose
SAP NetWeaver Portal
Managing the Portal
System Administration
Configuring the Display of Portal Content
Creating and Editing a Framework Page