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Background documentation Procedure for Importing Classic BAdIs Locate the document in its SAP Library structure

Conflicts can occur at release upgrade or when transporting a Business Add-In within a system infrastructure containing multiple levels (country versions, industry solutions, partners, and so on.). Possible conflicts include:

Case 1

Multiple active implementations exist for Business Add-Ins that have not been designed for multiple use (for the same filter value, if add-in is filter-dependent).

Case 2

Identical interfaces were assigned in definitions of BAdIs.

Case 3

Identical function codes were assigned in definitions of BAdIs.

Whenever such conflicts occur, corresponding error messages and warnings are created in the transport log at import. Their long texts provide you with information on how to proceed.

In the following case, identical function codes were assigned to definitions of BAdIs (case 3).

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

In case 1, proceed as follows to remove the conflicts:


       1.      Choose Utilities ® Adjustment ® Multiple active implementations (in transaction SE18).

A list appears displaying your Business Add-Ins. A red traffic light indicates that multiple active implementations exist for that add-in.

This graphic is explained in the accompanying text

       2.      Deactivate these implementations using the appropriate pushbutton or double-click on the name of the implementation to branch to the corresponding transaction where you can then rectify the problem

In cases 2 and 3, proceed as follows:


       1.      Choose Utilities ® Adjustment ® Multiple assigned interfaces or Multiple function codes assigned.

Both of these menu options display an overview; the add-ins in question are marked with a red traffic light.

       2.      The people responsible for those add-in definitions where identical interfaces and function codes occur must now decide how to proceed. To delete a function code or change an interface name, call the ABAP Workbench and use the appropriate pushbutton to call the tool you need. A new transport may be necessary.



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