You have entered the identification number and dangerous goods description for the appropriate UN-listed substance.
You have chosen the value assignment type Dangerous Goods Regulations for a specification of specification type UN-listed substance (LS_UN_SUB) in the property tree in the EH&S Basic Data and Tools component.
Open the value assignment type Dangerous Goods Regulations by double-clicking it.
The Edit Specification: Value Assignment screen appears. The system makes the characteristic fields ready for input. The Value Assignments tab page is in the foreground.
To create or change a value assignment instance, select values in the Dangerous Goods Regulation and Dangerous Goods Class fields.
The value sets for the Dangerous Goods Regulation and Dangerous Goods Class fields are not phrase sets. The system accesses the values that you specified in Customizing for Dangerous Goods Management in the IMG activities Specify Dangerous Goods Regulations and Specify Dangerous Goods Classes and Classification Codes . For information about the dangerous goods letter and classification codes, see Dangerous Goods Structure Reform . The same applies to the danger label number to which you can assign multiple values.
Edit the characteristic fields Collective Number and Transport Permitted and the other characteristic fields if required (see also Editing Value Assignments ).
You set the Collective Number indicator if the corresponding identification number (UN number, for example) is a collective number.
You set the Transport Permitted indicator if the materials assigned to the relevant identification number can normally be transported.
Add your other details to the individual value assignment instances on the other tab pages. The data on each of the other tab pages relates to a data record on the Value Assignments tab page. Using the pushbuttons ( ) with the quick info text Previous Instance and ( ) with the quick info text Next Instance , you can toggle between the value assignment instances. You can enter any number of data records for each value assignment instance. You can obtain detail views for selected data records. These detail views enable you to edit the data for each individual record. Choose ( ) with the quick info text Detail .
The following tab pages are also available specifically for UN-listed substances:
Risk Classification
You edit this data dependent on an identification number, a dangerous goods regulation, and a risk potential.
The data for the risk classification is stored in the table EST0D.
Packing Requirements
You edit this data dependent on an identification number, a dangerous goods regulation, a risk potential, and a packaging code.
The data for the packing requirement is stored in the table CCUNTPACK.
To specify special packing provisions, choose ( ) with the quick info text Special Provisions on the Packing Requirements tab page. The Edit Specifications: Special Provisions dialog box appears. The data for the special provisions is stored in the table CCUNTSPROV.
Transport Approval
You edit this data dependent on an identification number, a dangerous goods regulation, a risk potential, and a transport type.
Specify explicitly for the combination of risk potential and transport type whether or not transport is approved. Combinations where this information is missing are interpreted by the system as being not approved.
The data for the transport approval is stored in the table EST07.
Provisions for Carriage
You edit this data dependent on a dangerous goods regulation and a risk potential.
The data for the provisions for carriage is stored in the table CCUNTCARR.
The table CCUNTCARR does not support the export and import of specifications.
Packaging Code Approval
The data for the packaging code approval is stored in the table EST0B.
We recommend that you use the data for the packing requirements instead of the data for the packaging code approval .
The following tab pages are also available to you:
User-Defined Texts/Documents