This authorization object is used to control the user’s access to his or her own personnel number and the related HR data separately.
The personnel number is assigned to the user in the Communication infotype (0105) (subtype 0001 System User Name). Access to an employee’s own master data is used primarily in ESS scenarios in which the user is only to have access to his or her own master data to edit or display this information. To enable access authorizations for the employee’s own personnel number to be controlled using the authorization object P_PERNR, the main switch must be activated in table T77S0 (transaction OOAC, switch AUTSW/PERNR). For more information on this authorization object, see P_PERNR (HR: Master Data - Personnel number check). The authorization check is run for the following fields:
Authorization Field |
Description |
Infotype |
Subtype |
Authorization level (such as read, write, matchcode) |
Interpretation of own personnel number (I, include own personnel number, E, exclude own personnel number) |
Necessary Settings for Performance Management:
INFTY: Dummy–depends on the ESS scenarios used outside of Performance Management.
SUBTY: Dummy–depends on the ESS scenarios used outside of Performance Management.
PSIGN: I (include)
If you use the authorization object P_PERNR, the authorization object P_ORGIN/CON is superfluous. That is, a user who is to be permitted to access his or her own personnel number only (for example, for ESS scenarios), is given all the authorizations required using the authorization object P_PERNR. Therefore, an additional setting for the authorization object P_ORGIN/CON is not required. This also applies to Performance Management.
For more information about structural authorizations, see SAP Library under