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 Amount Category 120010 Similar Interest Amounts


This amount category is used for a provision charge or interest determined based on the provision capital.

You have the following options when editing a condition with the amount category 120010 (similar interest amounts) .

  • You must define an amount , percentage , or reference interest rate .

  • You can define either relative or absolute markups on the reference interest rate, and define the minimum and maximum interest. For more information, see Editing Markup Conditions .

  • You can choose an interest calculation method.

  • You can enter a payment currency that differs from the condition currency, which is then valid for the amount fields of the condition if no condition currency exists. If both currencies exist, then the condition currency is valid.

  • If you set the Due-Date Related Calculation indicator, then the system includes flow records whose due dates lie inside or outside of the calculation period due to shortened or extended periods.

  • You can use the Pro Rata Calculation field to control how the start period and end period are to be included in the calculation for shortened or extended periods.

  • You can use the Calculation Basis Fixing field to control the time when the calculation capital is to be fixed.