You can configure overview pages with single column layout or with tile layout.
Overview pages with single column layout consist of one single column. At the top of the page you can usually see a header block that contains the most important information about the business object. Below the header block you find an undefined number of assignment blocks with information related to the business object.
Overview pages with tile layout are composed of several columns, providing several tiles on one page where header data or information related to the business object is displayed.
If you switch between both layouts, the information about which views were assigned to the overview page is lost.
If you switch from single column layout to tile layout, you need to ensure that the views that are used on the overview page can be displayed in tiles, because tiles are often smaller than a normal page.
To configure overview pages with tile layout, you need to register these overview pages in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing
. If you have registered an overview page, you can switch from single page layout to tile layout in the UI configuration.The following standard layout types are available for pages with tiles:
2 x 3 layout, that is, two columns and three rows (six tiles)
2 x 2 layout, that is, two columns and two rows (four tiles)
T-shape (three tiles)
For the tile layout definition of overview pages, the tile layout of fact sheets is reused. You can define the tile layout in Customizing for Customer Relationship Management, by choosing
.You can choose one of the tile layouts in the UI configuration that you previously defined in Customizing beforehand. You can then select a tile, and assign the available views to the tile. In a tile, you can change the order of the views and their titles. If you have assigned more than one view to a tile, the first tile is the default tile, which is displayed on the tile layout page. You can navigate to the other views by choosing the tab links at the top of the corresponding tile.