The archiving monitor supports you in monitoring and logging the use of archiving objects created with the help of the Archiving Workbench.
It displays information on the current and completed phases of an archiving process (analysis, write and delete), as well as on the reloading of archived data and the pre-step process for package profile formation.
You can therefore use it to monitor archiving processes online, to view their progress and to interrupt them in a controlled manner if required.
The archiving monitor in the Archive Development Kit (ADK) does not recognize parallel analysis and write jobs that are started automatically by the parallel processing tool (see The Data Archiving Process (Archiving Workbench) in the SAP Library). The archiving monitor in the Archiving Workbench does recognize them. However, this monitor can only be used if the archiving objects were created with the help of the Archiving Workbench. You can either start it from the Workbench by choosing Goto ® Archiving Monitor or using transaction AFX_MONITOR.
The various Archiving Workbench processes involve special features that are described in the Special Features of Data Archiving (Archiving Workbench) section of the SAP Library.
On the overview screen, the archiving monitor displays the activity log (see the Scope of Functions section), giving you an overview of the individual process phases of the archiving object (analysis, write, delete, reload, pre-step). It is the starting point for navigating to various detailed information. You can navigate to this information by selecting the corresponding activity log entry and then choosing Goto and one of the following menu options:
· Application Log
In the application log, the archiving monitor lists all the error messages and statistical information recorded during the processing of the individual phases. You can find more information on this in the Application Log (BC-SRV-BAL) section of the SAP Library.
· Job List
The archiving monitor starts the Job Overview (SM37) transaction. There the system displays the jobs that are started during an archiving process phase or during coupled archiving process phases. For more information on the individual contents of the job list, refer to the Managing Jobs from the Job Overview section of the SAP Library.
For archiving objects created with the Archiving Workbench, the system starts n parallel jobs in the analysis and write phases to process the data. This means that each one of these jobs triggers an individual archiving run in the write phase, from the viewpoint of the Archive Development Kit (ADK).
Coupled archiving runs are created if the analysis phase starts the write phase automatically after it finishes or if each individual write job starts delete jobs independently. You can set these control details in IMG activity Maintain Global Control of Archiving or in the Basic Settings (transaction AOBJ). For more information, refer to the documentation stored there or the Creating an Archiving Object (Archiving Workbench) section of the SAP Library.
You can find more details on the Customizing settings for the Archiving Workbench in the Data Archiving Customizing Settings (Archiving Workbench) section of the SAP Library.
· Archive Runs / Files
The archiving monitor lists the files with their superordinate archive run assignments generated by the parallel jobs during a write run. This enables you to check which archiving run or group of archiving runs generated which files.
· Package List
On the package list, the archiving monitor displays the processing status of the data packages processed by the system in parallel. This applies to the analysis and write process phases. As well as recording the possible processing status (Planned, In Processing, Completed), the system also logs the number of data records processed per package, the name and duration of the job and the package limits used for the data selection.
· Archive Administration
The archiving monitor starts the Archive Administration (SARA) transaction.
You must have read access authorization for all archiving objects. One of the following must be running or have run: A program implementing an archiving process phase (analysis, write or delete), the reloading of archived data or the pre-step for package formation.
The archiving monitor displays all the information recorded by the system during the archiving process phases. This includes the activity log and the functions described in more detail in the Integration section.
The activity log is the central point of information for the individual archiving processes. From there you can navigate to all the detail logs, as described in the Integration section.
Since the individual phases of an archiving process may have long runtimes in the mass data environment, the archiving monitor provides you with a Refresh button in the application log (and in various dependent views, such as the package list).
The activity log displays the current process status of selected archiving process phases. You can see an overview of the status values in the selection help and the related data element documentation.
You can interrupt the write phase of a current archiving process in a controlled manner. If you do so, the archiving monitor terminates all parallel jobs, concludes the generated archiving runs in accordance with the rules and records the interruption of this archiving process in the application log.
The initial archiving monitor selection screen gives you the option of searching for specific information.
The activity log includes the following data:
· The date and time at which the archiving process phase was executed.
· The name of the program that has been executed (the program implements the archiving process phase).
· The archiving mode (Test, Simulation, Productive).
· The user who started the process.
· The process status.