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As an assortment planner, you use options to perform a preliminary planning before you know which products will make up the assortment list for the upcoming season. Early in the assortment planning process, you can approximate how many product choices (or options) you need to offer customers for a given combination of planning attribute values. For example, you might know that in the Men's Pants category you need to give your customers 3 choices of high fashion/high price pants, and 10 choices of medium fashion/medium price pants, before you know exactly the models or product IDs of pants that you will carry in your assortment in the upcoming season.

Using the option planning functionality in SAP Assortment Planning for Retail, you evaluate historical sales data and plan the target number of options and/or the target KPIs by category and attribute value combination. If you have imported data from a merchandise plan into SAP Assortment Planning for Retail, you can also compare your targets to constraints, such as, approved purchase budgets (Open-to-Buy). As you determine the target number of options or the target KPIs, you can allocate these targets to the different modules of the option plan, or, one planning level lower, to the location clusters associated with each of the modules.


You have specified planning attributes in Manage Product Attributes SAP Fiori app.


You plan options by carrying out the following procedures:

  1. Creating an Option Plan

  2. Managing Option Plans

  3. Plan Options Workbooks


The resulting option plan can be consumed in the Build Assortment Lists process.