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A production storage location can be an HU-managed storage location. If the production storage location is not WM-managed, the materials are staged for production by way of posting changes from one storage location to another. If you post goods issue, a goods movement is generated for a delivery (in this case, a posting change from one storage location to the storage location in the production supply area).

If the production storage location is WM-managed, staging occurs by way of transfer requirements. Alternatively, you can use deliveries for staging pick parts.

During component staging, the information in the handling units must be transferred to production in order to provide exact proof of the materials that were used. Using handling units for production supply greatly simplifies consumption posting.


You can use handling units to reflect production staging for pick parts, crate parts and release order parts. You can use either deliveries or transfer requirements to stage pick parts, but you can only stage crate parts and release order parts using transfer requirements. If you stage using deliveries, you can post use of the pick parts via goods issue for deliveries.

Use the pick process for transfer requirements/deliveries to further process the transfer requirement/delivery that was created.

Supply to production using Warehouse Management

The following are the production-supply options that are generally available:

  1. The production storage-location is not HU-managed
  2. Even when the standard storage location in the WM system is HU-managed, only individual materials can be managed and the HUs cannot be passed to production. Staging can occur via transfer requirements or via deliveries.

  3. The production storage-location is HU-managed

Consumption posting is initiated in production. Using a new function for entering goods issue, you can execute consumption posting for HUs created in WM and the transported HUs individually or with reference to the order. Staging can occur via transfer requirements or via deliveries.

The HUs created in the WM system or the transported HUs are assigned to the production order so that the reference between the order and the HUs (with the components of this order) is retained.

This scenario is only supported for pick parts since the reference to the order only exists for this type of material staging.

The staged HU is to be posted automatically as consumption with the goods issue of the material staging delivery. In this case, you must use the delivery for material staging.

In the delivery, you can make a posting change or post goods issue (for an order, for example) to the production storage location after the transfer order has been confirmed. This can be done either manually or automatically. Only one movement is posted for each delivery, and the delivery is then completed.

If the delivery document is used as the picking proposal, the delivery is completed with the picking process.

If the HU is to be staged for an order, the delivery serves as the picking process, the goods issue posting and the consumption posting.

You can use the production scheduling profile to define how consumption posting should occur.



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