Entering content frameProcedure documentation Creating an Allocation Rule Locate the document in its SAP Library structure


  1. On the Create Allocation Rule: Initial Screen enter the allocation rule type.

You can also enter organizational data (optional). Press ENTER, to proceed to the next screen.

  1. If required, enter a site group from the Classification system, and a merchandise category/hierarchy level or an article.


If you enter a site group and press ENTER , the system lists all the base site groups for the group. You can add or delete base site groups as required.

By entering a merchandise category, a hierarchy level, or an article, you reserve the allocation rule for the object concerned. You can still use it, however, for other objects.

  1. Choose Goto ® Header to enter the header data for the allocation rule (such as the quota category).
  2. To return to the base site level from the header screen, choose Goto ® Base site groups.

If required, enter further base site groups from the Classification System or enter any other site groups. If you wish to enter a group of sites that are not grouped as such in the Classification System, you must set the Fix indicator.


When you create an allocation rule, you can specify the base site groups from the Classification System that you want to use. If the fixing indicator is selected, you can group together any number of sites in a base site group for the allocation rule. This group does not have any connection with the Classification System.

If the allocation rule is fixed, the base site groups are copied from the allocation rule document when the allocation table is created.

If the allocation rule is not fixed, the sites to which the allocation rule applies are taken from the base site group in the Classification System at the time when an allocation table is created. If sites are changed in a base site group in the Classification System in the period between the creation of an allocation rule and the creation of an allocation table, this is taken into account at stock allocation.

Maintain the desired quotas for each site in the individual base site groups. In the standard version of SAP Retail, the system default is an equal split among all the sites.

  1. Select a base site group. Via Goto ® Sites you proceed to the site level of the base site group selected. You can change the shares for each site or include or delete other sites. If you do this, the allocation rule is fixed.


An allocation rule that is based on a base site group from the Classification System is fixed as soon as you change the quota category from ratios to fixed quantities or if you allocate the sites different percentages.

  1. Save the allocation rule.
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