HR Administrator for Public Sector Pensions 



The HR Public Sector Pensions Administrator is responsible for pension payments for retired public sector employees and their dependents. The activities for this role include:

This role is a special addition to the Personnel Administrator for the German Public Sector Payroll component.

Activities in Personnel Administration

The activities for this role include:


Personnel Administrator for the Public Sector

You can implement three complementary roles to process German public sector employee data:



HR Administrator for Public Sector Child Allowance

Processes employee child allowance data

HR Administrator for Public Sector Pensions

Processes employee pension payments data

HR Administrator for Public Sector

Processes other public sector employee data (other than child allowance and pension data)

Personnel Administrator

The Personnel Administrator for Public Sector Pensions is based on the Personnel Administrator role (SAP_HR_PA_HR-ADMINISTRATOR). Therefore, you can combine these two roles.

The Personnel Administrator forms the basis for all three public sector roles: