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Develop Enhancements for Results Analysis

The following enhancements are available for results analysis:

This enhancement contains the following components:

Customer-specific postprocessing of the results analysis data from automatic results analysis
This enhancement serves to
In this case the program calculates the results analysis data according to the selected valuation method. The program then carries out the calculations in the customer enhancement, returns and saves the data.
In this case all actual costs are transferred to the cost of sales. The calculations in the customer enhancement are carried out and the data is saved.
Customer-specific calculation of planned values/valuation basis
This enhancement serves to
In this case you must choose profit basis X in the valuation method.
In this case you must choose a profit basis in the valuation method between 0 and 9 .

When you have maintained your enhancements, you must enter a letter in the field KndErw 1 (customer enhancement 1) in the valuation method. This letter is transferred to the function module of the customer enhancement as an import parameter.


1. Create the enhancement
Either create a new project or use an existing one.
2. Activate the project
Your enhancement does not take effect until the project is activated.

Further Notes

Unlike modifications, enhancements are always upgrade-compatible because they are implemented in a name range reserved for the customer rather than in the SAP original.

The general procedures for creating enhancements can be found in the enhancement transaction under the menu path "Utilities - Online Manual".

Each enhancement is documented. To display it, click the "SAP documentation" button in the enhancement transaction.

Interface of function module EXIT_SAPLKKAG_001:

Import parameters
ABGRENZUNGS_VERSION Results analysis version
STEUERUNG_KUNDENERWEITERUNG_1 Control customer enhance. 1/val. method
BEARBEITUNGS_GJAHR Fiscal year of results analysis accounting
BEARBEITUNGS_PMONAT Period (month) of results analysis accounting
BEARBEITUNGS_WAEHRUNG Currency of results analysis accounting
AUFK_AUFNR Order number
PRPS_PSPNR Internal project line item number
VBUK_VBELN SD document number
VBUP_POSNR Item number of SD document
OBJEKTNUMMER CO object number
Table parameters for data import
IMPORT_ABGRENZUN Table with autom. calculated RA data
IMPORT_BASIS Table w/ act. values and plan values for valuation
Table parameters for data download
EXPORT_VERAENDER Table with changes to RA data
FEHLER_MIT_NACHRICHT Error with message from this module
FEHLER_OHNE_NACHRICHT Error without message from this module

THe meaning of the import parameters is self-explanatory to a large extend. The parameter 'STEUERUNG_KUNDENERWEITERUNG_1' contains the contents of field 'KndErw 1' valuation method detail screen. The program flow in the function module can be controlled this way. The values of the imported and exported tables refer to the year 'BEARBEITUNGS_GJAHR' and the period 'BEARBEITUNGS_PMONAT'.

The table 'IMPORT_ABGRENZUN' imports the values determined by automatic results analysis into the function module. The table 'IMPORT_BASIS' imports the actual and planned values.

The table 'EXPORT_VERAENDER' exports the changes in the results analysis data determined by the function module. That is, this table is empty if no data was changed. Exceptions caused by errors for extraordinary returns from the function module can be programmed with the following statements:

The tables of the interface have underlying structures. In the definitions of specified domains, a list with fixed values is predefined in each case. This meaning of the list is also explained there. An exception to this is the field ZLNID. The allowed values of this field are defined in the 'Update' table in Customizing. The designation 'Period value' refers to the change to a value in the period to be processed. The value 'Cumulative value' is the total of all period values, totaled across all periods earlier or equal to the period to be processed.

The table 'IMPORT_ABGRENZUN' has the structure 'XKAABGR'. The first three fields are the key fields.

Field Domain Meaning
ABGTY ABGR_ABGTY Results analysis form
AWKUS ABGR_AWKUS Transaction Creation/usage/balance
ABGRKUMKG Acumulated value, total
ABGRKUMKF Acumulated value, fixed portion
ABGRPERKG Period value, total
ABGRPERKF Period value, fixed portion

The table 'IMPORT_BASIS' has the structure 'XKABASIS'. Only the first field is a key field.

Field Domain Meaning
BEWKZ ABGR_BEWKZ Valuation indicator
ISTKUMKG Acumulated actual value, total
ISTKUMKF Acumulated actual value, fixed portion
ISTPERKG Actual period value, total
ISTPERKF Actual period value, fixed portion
PLANBEWKG Overall planned value, total
PLANBEWKF Overall planned value, fixed portion
ISTMNGKUM *** currently not used ***
ISTMNGPER *** currently not used ***
PLANMNG *** currently not used ***

The table 'EXPORT_VERAENDER' has the structure 'XKAVABGR'. The first three fields are the key fields.

Field Domain Meaning
ABGTY ABGR_ABGTY Results analysis form
AWKUS ABGR_AWKUS Transaction Creation/usage/balance
ABGRVERKG Change of a value, total
ABGRVERKF Change of a value, fixed portion

Interface of the function module EXIT_SAPLKKAG_002:

Import parameters
ABGRENZUNGS_VERSION Results analysis version
BEARBEITUNGS_WAEHRUNG Currency of results analysis accounting
AUFK_AUFNR Order number
PRPS_PSPNR Internal project item number
VBUK_VBELN SD document number
VBUP_POSNR Item number of SD document
OBJEKTNUMMER CO object number
Change parameters
POSITIONS_NETTOERLOES Plan revenue of SD document item number
BASIS_PLANMENGE Plan qty of SD document item number
Table parameters for data import and export
EXPORT_BASIS Table with (actual and) planned values for valuation
FEHLER_MIT_NACHRICHT Error with message from this module
FEHLER_OHNE_NACHRICHT Error without message from this module

The meaning of the import parameters is self-explanatory to a large extent. The field 'Valuation basis' contains the contents of the 'Valuation basis' field of the valuation method detail screen. This allows control of the program flow in the function module.

By means of the change parameters, the planned values that do not depend on cost elements are processed. The change parameters are declared as export parameters in release 2.2.

The table 'EXPORT_BASIS' imports the actual and planned values imported by the results analysis program. The planned values are changed or recreated in the customer enhancement in the table 'EXPORT_BASIS' and then exported back into the results analysis program.

Exceptions caused by errors for extraordinary returns from the function module can be programmed with the statements

The table 'EXPORT_BASIS' has an underlying structure. In the definitions of the specified domains, a list with fixed values (whose meaning is also explained there) is predefined in each case. An exception to this is the field ZLNID. The allowed values of this field are defined in the 'Update' table in Customizing.

The table 'EXPORT_BASIS' has the structure 'XKABASIS'. Only the first field is a key field.

Field Domain Meaning
BEWKZ ABGR_BEWKZ Valuation indicator
ISTKUMKG Accumulated actual value, total
ISTKUMKF Accumulated actual value, fixed portion
ISTPERKG Actual period value, total
ISTPERKF Actual period value, fixed portion
PLANBEWKG Overall planned value, total
PLANBEWKF Overall planned value, fixed portion
ISTMNGKUM *** currently not used ***
ISTMNGPER *** currently not used ***
PLANMNG *** currently not used ***