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Check Valuation Variants for Product Cost Collectors

In this step you check thevaluation variants for Product Cost by Period.

This costing sheet is used for overhead calculation in period-end closing.
Strategies for material valuation or price determination for external processing and subcontracting are not included in simultaneous costing and final costing.

To be able to use the valuation variant, you must assign it to a costing variant.

Standard Settings

The following default valuation variants exist in the standard costing variants for Product Cost by Period:

This valuation variant for the preliminary costing of the product cost collector is specified in the SAP standard costing variant PREM (Preliminary Costing, Cost Collectors).
This valuation variant for the simultaneous costing of product cost collectors is specified in the SAP standard costing variant PPP3.


1. Enter an alphanumeric key and a name for the new valuation variant.
2. Specify the relevant valuation strategies.
3. Enter a costing sheet.
4. Assign the valuation variant to a costing variant.


If you want to use different valuation strategies or different overhead rates in plants that belong to the same company code, you can define plant-specific valuation variants by assigning a valuation variant to a plant. Choose the push button Valuation variant/plant. If you don't do this, the valuation variants apply to all your plants.