Report Information System - Industrial Hygiene and Safety 



You use this role to search for reports that you have created in the context of Industrial Hygiene and Safety. You can display and print out the reports. Depending on the system settings, you can also trigger report shipping, or in other words, create report shipping orders.

Typical report types in Industrial Hygiene and Safety are the standard operating procedure and the accident report.


You can use the Report Creation role (SAP_EHS_SAF_REPORTGENERATION) to specify the information content and layout of reports.

Only reports with the status Released or Historical appear in the report information system. While reports that contain agent data (for example, standard operating procedures – depending on the document template) are released in the Report Management role (SAP_EHS_SAF_REPORTEDIT), reports that do not contain agent data are automatically considered as released (for example, accident reports).

You can use the Report Shipping role (SAP_EHS_SAF_REPORTSHIPPING) to manage your report shipping orders.