@ Social Insurance Process Administrator 

Technical name: SAP_HR_PA_JP_SI-PROC-ADM


The Social Insurance Process Administrator Japan is responsible for the country-specific social insurance administration activities relating to a group of employees. His or Her tasks include overseeing the Snatei/Geppen (Social Insurance Grade and Standard Compensation Amount) evaluation, executing the Santei/Geppen evaluation report, printing legal notifications and updating social insurance grade and standard compensation amount data for a group of employees. Note that he or she is not responsible for activities relating to individual employees, as this is the responsibility of Social Insurance Administrator Japan.

Activities in Payroll Japan

This role includes activities such as:


The Social Insurance Process Administrator Japan is a country-specific single role. There is no non-country-specific single role for social insurance process administration. You can combine Social Insurance Process Administrator Japan with other administration roles in SAP HR or use this as independent role.