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Copy Chart of Accounts

You can create a chart of accounts as well as the accounts for it by copying an existing chart. This method is suited for copying one of the supplied charts of accounts and then making minor changes to the copy.

You need not change the standard chart of accounts if you copy it. You can choose which specifications the system should copy. Specifications can be copied from the following areas:

After you copy this area, you only have to create the account's company code area for your chart. To do this, execute the next activity "Copy Company Code".
The system will copy the account groups and any sample accounts that exist.
If you select this area, the system will copy all account determination entries which are defined in the chart of accounts you are copying.
Since the applications are integrated, you can maintain all table entries that are dependent on chart of accounts directly in Financial Accounting. Entries for each individual application can be specified and maintained separately from one another.
To copy a financial statement version as well, you need to specify the source and target versions. The system will then create a new financial statement version under the target version name you specify.


Tables included in the copy procedure cannot be maintained and blocked by another user at the same time you execute the copy procedure.


Copy the objects you require by selecting the appropriate areas in the popup. The system then displays the necessary input fields based on your selections.