Period-End Closing for Cost Objects: Individual Processing 



You can carry out the following period-end closing tasks for the individual processing of cost objects:

Template Allocation

Template allocation is a method for allocating overhead.

Revaluation at Actual Prices

Revaluation at actual prices is an extension of the revaluation of activity allocations between cost centers and business processes. It is used to adjust the activity allocations of cost centers or business processes to other objects that are also relevant to cost accounting but belong to earlier periods.



Settlement involves the passing on of the plan or actual costs for a business object, either wholly or in part, to one or more receivers. In the process, offsetting entries are generated automatically to credit the sender object. The credit postings assigned to the account of a sender object remain even after settlement to a receiver (and can thus be displayed). The settled costs are written to the receiver object and shown in reporting.

Activities in Controlling