Package-level declarations


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class ClientPolicyService @JvmOverloads constructor(target: SettingsTarget? = SettingsTarget.USER, autoRetrieveListener: ServiceListener<ClientPolicies>? = null) : MobileService

Represents the service to retrieve all client policies from server, like passcode, log settings, usage policy, etc.

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class CustomSettingsService<out R : CustomSettingsEntity> @JvmOverloads constructor(target: SettingsTarget = SettingsTarget.USER, keyPath: String? = null, parse: (String) -> R?? = null, autoCustomSettingsLoadListener: ServiceListener<R>? = null) : MobileService

Represents the service to deal with custom setting exchanges, loading/storing/updating/deleting custom settings. All operations will need an instance of CustomSettingsEntity.

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class SharedDeviceService @JvmOverloads constructor(applicationKeyParameter: String? = null, val encryptionKeyReadyListener: ServiceListener<String>? = null) : MobileService

Represents the service to retrieve shared device settings, encryption key for offline database initialization, etc.

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data class SharedDeviceSettings(val allowUploadPreviousUserPendingChange: Boolean = false, val encryptionKey: String? = null)

Represents the data model related to shared device settings.